Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A glimpse into the future...

(The following story comes from both my imagination and what I foresee to be the future. At the present, this is fictional. But if certain people are elected into office, I believe this to be a version of the things to come. Some of you reading this will delete without a second glance while others will forward it. It's my hope that people will read this, look at today’s society and see the connection that could happen. Enjoy the entertainment. Nicholas S.)

Jan 21, 2013 Inauguration Day

The crowd gathers outside The Rainbow House, formerly known as the White House, awaiting the speech to be given by the Benevolent One, Barrack Obama. The leader steps onto the podium and smiles as he waves to his people. The people begin a lackluster cheer when the "applause" sign is lit up by the "Network". The "Network", which is the official country operated news media, is currently broadcasting on every TV channel and Internet bandwidth. Radio became obsolete when the government enforced the "Fair Radio Act” and instituted the "Hate Radio" law. All radio DJ's and their networks were arrested and brought to justice for speaking what their leaders called "Hate" against the government and its people.

"Greetings, my comrades. I, your Benevolent leader, am proud once more to stand before you in leading our country into its bright future. Four years ago, you entrusted me to bring about "Change". I’m happy to say that we have accomplished that goal. Just think, four years ago we stood as a capitalistic society demanding money for those who said "we worked hard for it." Today, I'm proud to say that everyone who works helps out their brothers and sisters. We spread the wealth. Joe the Plumber is still a plumber, but now he helps out Mike the Jobless and Andrew the Minority. This is what we needed. We have the best public healthcare system available. No longer can doctors charge outrageous fees. No longer can a doctor practice his profession with the goal of owning a Porsche. We are all EQUAL. I thank you, my fellow people, for casting your open vote for me. Those who were on the other side were made to see what a mistake it would be to vote against the Socialist Party. As always, I would like to thank our good friends Hugo Chávez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and many of our Islamic brothers who showed us the truth of our despicable former ways. We are indebted to you more than you know. I would also like to thank our new House of Government for creating new laws that will help us to a brighter, more controlled future. Thank you to all who have helped and contributed to my re-election. As always, we are here for you and we will run this country in the best interest of the people."
The Benevolent One waves as the crowd is once again encouraged, by the Republic Guard standing around them with automatic weapons, to give applause and cheer.
Obama sits down and the Speaker of the House of Government, Nancy Pelosi steps to the podium. She is beaming with pride.

" Greetings, Comrades. It's amazing. In only four years we took a broken nation and transformed it into what it should be. In a short time, we have passed laws that help bring all of us together in unity. We have the Open Vote law which creates equality. All citizens are now required to voice their choice rather than vote by a secret ballot. This new system has allowed the government to truly see what our citizens need and how to better address their opinions.
The Share the Wealth law instituted by our Benevolent leader has also given us great progress. Where else in the world can a government take the income of its working people and share it with those unfortunate souls unable or unwilling work? It took some getting used to and, yes, there were those individuals who had to be corrected for speaking against the law and against us for that matter, but I'm happy to report that the re-education camps are working very well.

The Open Religion law has also had a wonderful effect upon us all, except for a very small band of people who insist that there is only one God and worship some son of his,” Pelosi wrinkles her nose in disgust. “However, thanks to the wording of the Open Religion law, the teaching or preaching of only one none-Islamic god or the mythical person of Jesus is banned. Now, we can have a truly open society. In addition, this wonderful law will finally put an end to all the years of oppression by the "Christian faith" by making it illegal to teach our children such a hateful doctrine. Luckily, only a handful of children had to be saved from their parents. They are doing well in our state-run schools. Their parents have been dealt with and will no longer pose a threat to our fair society.

The Gun Ban law has made our country even safer. It was hard for some of the southern states to accept this law but we know that there was always a little group of people who clung to their guns and religion! However, as I said before, the re-education camps are showing wonderful progress!

In conclusion, we have seen what a strong change that the people of this great country wanted and will continue to have. In the coming years, we will be voting on several new laws. We will pass a "No Term Limit" bill for our Benevolent leader and his staff. There will be a group of new tax laws for the wealthy, which are those making more than 40,000 dollars a year. In addition, we will institute government education assistance which will help guide our students into the field of work the government believes they are most suited. There will be other changes and we will notify you as we make them. All Hail the United Socialist Republic of America."

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