Monday, October 6, 2008

Caribou Barbie vs Joe the Blustering Volcano

Biden Blinks While Sarah Winks
Body language experts decode Joe Biden's wide smile and Sarah Palin's winks during the VP debate. asked several body language experts to analyze Thursday night's vice presidential debate -- picking apart every wrinkled nose, winked eye, pointed finger and nuanced voice inflection. Greg Hartley, a former Army interrogator and the author of "I Can Read You Like a Book," agreed that Palin's winks were out of habit. "Her wink was innate. It's part of her sportslike kind of personality and she's become accustomed to it," said Hartley. Hartley said he noticed Biden put his hand in his pocket several times to calm himself down while Palin was speaking. Body language experts decode Joe Biden's wide smile and Sarah Palin's winks. "Biden was scratching his nose or neck a lot, which is usually a sign of letting out contained energy," said Hartley. Patti Wood, an expert in nonverbal communication said, "Biden was fidgety and really trying to contain himself. When you scratch the back of your neck, it's a precursor to wanting to bring your fist out to punch. That's something bar owners look for -- a sign that a fight is imminent."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol! Great site and really good info! McCain/Palin 2008!
Joseph N., New Mexico